Shipping & Returns


Shipping, Payments & Returns

Where do you ship?

We can ship almost anywhere! However, our online store is only able to calculate shipping within the 48 contiguous states of the United States. If you have an international address, please contact us to arrange shipping.

What are my payment choices?

We currently use Square to process all payments. Please note that we will not ship your order until we receive payment from you.

When will my order ship and what are my shipping charges?

Shipping is automatically calculated prior to submitting your payment information. Simply add items to your cart and proceed to the Checkout page where you will be offered Shipping Method choices and their prices. We will ship your order shortly after we receive payment from you.

What is the return policy?

Wild Beaver Mountain Man Emporium takes great pride in offering you personalized customer service and quality merchandise.  If, for any reason, your purchase does not live up to your expectations, simply return the item in its original condition for exchange, store credit or refund within 30 days of the original purchase date.